Monday, April 13, 2009

Girls Quest - SEED Summer Camp

Our Summer Experiential Education and Development (SEED) Program is our signature program, the fulcrum of all of our programming and the point of entry for all girls who join Girls Quest. Each year, over 300 girls attend this two-week program at our bucolic summer site, Camp Oh-Neh-Tah, in East Windham, NY. This goal-oriented summer camp program helps to lessen the Summer Learning Gap by providing activities that stimulate girls' learning and emotional development in an environment that is safe and nurturing while challenging girls to strive to their best potentials.

Program activities include swimming, boating, hiking, ceramics, archery, low and high ropes course, and outdoor education. Please visit Girls Quest for more information.

You can find the application here.

There is a $40 non-refundable application fee. We accept only money orders or cash. No personal checks, please.

SEED tuition is on a sliding scale dependent upon family income and number of people in the household. SEED tuition ranges from $110 to $500.

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